Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Avatarding It Up

XY is away on a business trip for 4 days, which means I've been left to my own devices.  And we all know that being left to my own devices = BAD NEWS.   

Thankfully, I have -- and always will have -- Avatar: the Last Airbender.  I have been rewatching the series to follow along with Doug Walker's vlogs.

Unfortunately, he's going too damn slowly (read: I'm too damn impatient to wait like a normal adult).  Today, I hit Season 2, which of course is the best stretch of the show, and I blew through 10 episodes lickety-split.  Meanwhile, Doug Walker is taking his sweet time and his last review is still S02E01 ("The Avatar State").

Luckily, to fill that void in my life, I discovered today this blog of thoughtful Avatar reviews.  I don't have the luxury of blowing through them all anymore like I blew through Mark Watches Avatar in a bleary-eyed 10-hour whirlwind.  But hopefully this Marshall Turner fellow can help fulfill my as-yet-unexplained psychological need to fill my 28-year-old head with reviews of a children's TV show.

In other news, XX's Anime Reviews have still not restarted after screeching to a halt after the series "Monster," which was so good that it completely killed my desire to ever watch another anime that wasn't as good again.  I have heard good things about Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood and am considering giving that another try...