Monday, December 1, 2008

Premature Coronation

The Hope for Audacity - This Atlantic article explores the differences between Obama (or should we say ... BHO?) and FDR and LBJ.

Now, I voted for Obama in the election. But it seems to me quite ridiculous all of the presidential parallels that have been and continue to be drawn between Obama and the 'great presidents' - Lincoln, FDR, LBJ, and the like.

News flash, guys. Obama isn't the president yet. He hasn't done anything, except win an election, talk about plans, and appoint some people. It all seems to me to be entirely premature. I know the comparisons are just a reflection of the people's deep hopes in the Obama presidency. And, to some extent, I shared and still share those hopes.

But I have fears, too. It's a uniquely troubling time, with recession [finally] being declared and stock markets crashing, and terrorists seemingly gaining strength. (Somewhere down the line, historians are going to be studying this era.) I'm waiting with bated breath to see whether the president-elect will earn his already bestowed crown.

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