Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Words Cannot Express the Joy...

... that reading this gentleman's reviews of Avatar: the Last Airbender brought into my life tonight. I literally spent the last 4-5 hours reading every single one of his reviews, which were written as he watched them -- spoiler-free and without knowing what happens. Again, words cannot express. Just joy. Pure joy.

It made me recall my own first viewing of ATLA, and how flabbergasted I was by the show's awesomeness. It was the summer after 1L year. I'm pretty sure I was in New Haven, as I distinctly remember sitting in that Edwards St. apartment, glued to the TV screen unable to stop because of how invested I was in the show.

Since The Legend of Korra released its first two episodes, I have been completely obsessing over the entire Avatar universe. OBSESSING. It's pained me that I have few friends with whom I can share this deep love. Discovering the online ATLA community has been a blessing (and a curse, from a time-wasting perspective...).

Discovering this trove of ATLA reviews, which remind me of my own initial reaction to the show... really, who could ask for anything better on a Tuesday night?

Thank you, ATLA Subreddit, for pointing me in the direction of Mark Watches Avatar.

[/edit: Um, apparently Mark also Watches Buffy and Angel. And Firefly. And Game of Thrones. And reads Hunger Games. Um, wow. Amazing.]

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