Monday, August 20, 2012

Friday Night Lights: Series Review

Friday Night Lights is a show about football.  Except that it isn't at all.  It's a show about characters, and small-town Texas, and community, and relationships, and life, and it's one helluva good show.  It's a show that makes you love football because you see how much this town and these people love football.  It's a show that makes you feel and smile and cry because of how powerful the emotions are.  It's a show that makes you wish every marriage were like that of Coach Eric Taylor and Tami Taylor.  It's about the power of sports and good mentors to change kids' lives.  It's about MOLDERS OF MEN.

I have only two complaints about the show: (1) that the young student characters in the later East Dillon seasons were, for the most part, not as compelling as those in the earlier seasons; and (2) the show sometimes lost strands of continuity (e.g., what happened to Waverley? Where did Santiago go?  [Santiago may be forgiven because S2 never ended due to the writers' strike, but... there is no excuse for Waverley.]  What ever happened to Tami working on Mayor Rodell's campaign?)

Otherwise, I really loved FNL.  Clear eyes, full hearts, CAN'T LOSE.

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