Sunday, November 9, 2008

Inaugural Entry: Stereotypes at the Pharmacy

So XY and I are heading to the pharmacy after a scrumptious sushi dinner, on a mission to find birth control. The CVS parking lot is empty, save for some garbage and a MacGyver-style Jeep. We enter the automatic doors, with only a brief glance at the security guard posted solemnly in the corner. We proceed past the premature Christmas displays to the family planning aisle...

... where the condoms are locked in a glass cabinet -- to prevent theft, no doubt. Welcome to The Ghetto. I start laughing when I realize we'll have to ask at the front desk for the keys to the condom cabinet.

Luckily, someone has beat us to it. We stand aside as the CVS salesperson opens the condom cabinet for a ginormously tall African American man wearing baggy jeans, a gold chain, a camouflage-style jacket, and one of those black bandanas over his skull.

The black guy immediately reaches for a pack of MAGNUM condoms and struts toward the register. Suppressing snickers, XY and I, ever the stereotypical Asians, quickly dive in for an Economy Pack - 36 premium latex. (What a bargain.)

[/edit] My cohort points out that they were, in fact, MAGNUM XL. My mistake, my mistake!

(xy edit): That's an unusual use of cohort. When I think of cohort, I always think of a division of a Roman Legion - but I guess it could refer to an accomplice. I think I would have preferred `better half'. And could our icon be any more stereotypical? I want to point out that people often don't even think I'm Chinese and often believe that I'm part caucasion or other asian ethnicity. Could you make my eyes less slanty?

1 comment:

Right of center said...

Ah my dear: you forgot to mention that they were MAGNUM XL.