Friday, January 7, 2011

Being Stupid: Wasting Time Being Mad At Stupidity

After I watched the Penn&Teller video about immigration I searched for other Penn&Teller: Bullshit videos, just because they are kind of hilarious. One of them was about creationism. Of course, then I dumped another good 2-3 hours watching youtube videos about creationism and got SO MAD at the sheer stupidity of mankind that I neglected to realize how stupid I was being . . . wasting time being mad at stupid people.

The irony has not been lost on me.

But seriously, how do you argue with stupid?

Well actually, creationists are quite clever. They change the language to use the language of science (intelligent design, creation science). They create an "institute" (Discovery Institute) to confer legitimacy. They frame their arguments in fundamental American concepts--academic freedom, free speech, choice. Give our kids all of the evidence and let them choose what they believe! They are censoring out our arguments! It's a friggin' brilliant strategy, as this satire points out.

Ugh, this is what happens when people with stupid ideas get clever with strategy.

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