Friday, January 28, 2011

Veronica Mars Season 1: Review

Buffy/Angel creator Joss Whedon is a huge fan of Veronica Mars, and after bulldozing through the first season, I can see why.

Veronica Mars is the daughter of a former police sheriff, now turned private-eye detective. She has picked up her father's sleuthing skills and puts them to work, Nancy Drew style, at her high school. Her best friend was murdered last year, and the fallout has completely upended her life.

The best friend's murder is the season-long mystery arc, but there are also mini-mysteries that Veronica solves each episode. The format works extremely well. The character work is also fantastic--Veronica and her relationship with her father, local biker gang leader Weevil, and high school rich punk Logan in particular. The dialogue is witty and the show is engaging. Smart writing, good show. Count me in for season two.

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